We are not alone!
On this page we are sharing other websites and blogs that we have found of interest and we thought you might too. By sharing these sites however, we do not necessarily endorse all the thinking of the authors – you need to form your own opinions and informed decisions. We do not include sites that we see as commercial sites.
If you find a blog or website that you think might be of value to the wider community please feel free to email it to inspire@transition.co.uk for consideration.
A few highlights
- Serpentine Community Garden, which started as the Transition Buxton Food Group is a thriving community asset and registered charity. Find our more here.
- Marches Energy Agency carried out a Carbon Emissions analysis for Buxton. The full report can be found here. The analysis looks at the whole community and by Ward, each Ward having it’s own appendix.
- Buxton Rotary are taking an active role in supporting the Environment, they have written an excellent summary that can be found here.
- Neil Kitching’s Carbon Choices blog http://www.carbonchoices.uk/index.php/blog. Neil is the author of the book ‘Carbon Choices’ in which he discussed with us at our Mini-seminar in September 2021. You can watch the recorded Mini-seminar here.
- Chris Goodall’s Carbon Commentary Blog Blog | Carbon Commentary Chris is author of ‘What We Need to do Now’ and ‘Possible Routes to Net Zero’ and delivered one of our lock down mini-seminars.