To allow us to undertake projects, initiate alternatives, host events, and stay safe and legal we operate as a not for profit Community Interest Company (CIC).
Anyone living in Buxton can become a Member of the CIC. The CIC has up to 9 Directors who serve a 3 year term – if you would be willing to consider becoming a Director we’d be delighted to hear from you Email: chair@transitionbuxton.co.uk Some of the key formal documents are here on this website, but if you want to know or see more please just get in touch.
TRANSITION BUXTON CIC was incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 on 20th November 2013, company number 8783449. The registered office is 30 Ecclesbourne Drive, SK17 9BX.
The stated aims of the company are:
We will achieve these aims through:
- Raising awareness about the potential impacts climate change and oil dependency;
- Projects that will enable individuals to be more self reliant;
- Projects that will help the community to be more resilient.
We aim to operate in collaboration with other local organisations that share similar objectives.
An abbreviated version of our Community Interest Statement (CIC)
The company’s activities will provide benefit to the people who live, work and/or run a business in Buxton and its surrounding catchment area. In particular the company’s objective is to increase the resilience of the community to the effects of climate change and increasing fuel prices, and assist in the transition to a low carbon economy.
COMMUNITY INTEREST STATEMENT – Activities & Related Benefit
Activities | The community will benefit by: | |
Raise awareness about the potential impact of climate change and oil dependency |
The company will organise events and other means by which information about climate change, oil dependency, resource depletion and related topics can be disseminated, and where ideas about how best to manage the transition to a low carbon economy can be discussed. |
Develop and implement projects that will enable individuals to be more self-reliant | The company will work to develop and implement projects which will enable individual members of the community to take action to reduce their own carbon emissions, and their reliance on fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources, thereby increasing their self-reliance and resilience against the effects of external and global factors outside of their control; the company will aim to encourage participation from all sectors of the community. | |
Develop and implement projects that will enable the community to be more resilient | The company will work to develop and implement projects which will enable the community as a whole to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources, and thereby increase its resilience against the effects of external factors outside of its control; it will promote a culture of mutual reliance and supportiveness within the community. | |
Operate in collaboration with other organisations in the locality who share similar objectives. |
The company will collaborate and work positively with other voluntary organisations in the local area, and with local businesses, local authorities, educational establishments, individuals in the community and other stakeholders who have similar or related objectives. |
If the company makes any surplus it will be used for… Any profits generated will be used to invest in further projects for the benefit of the community. |