Transition Buxton takes the safety and well-being of our members – and those we interact with – very seriously.
Safeguarding refers to all experiences that are, or may be, detrimental to the safety or well-being of an individual.
The aim of this Safeguarding Policy is to:
- Value, respect and protect Transition Buxton members and the public who take part in our activities;
- Support Transition Buxton members to adhere to good practice in Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of individuals when interacting with others;
- Provide confidence that any safeguarding issues that do arise will be responded to appropriately and in a timely fashion.
Context of Safeguarding Within Transition Buxton
- Transition Buxton is a Community Interest Company with members who have varied skills and abilities;
- Often Transition Buxton members engage in communication or activity with members of the public on their own and in their own capacity but as representatives of TB; these activities may have been initiated by the individual member or in response to a request by a member of the public or an organisation;
- TB acknowledges that there are many reasons that some adults may be deemed vulnerable (including but not exclusive to, physical health, mental well-being, physical disability, learning disabilities). TB members may themselves be vulnerable and other individuals who engage with us may be vulnerable. This vulnerability may be communicated with us or we may not be made aware of it;
- Any interaction with children will usually originate through communication with Parents/Guardians, Schools, or other ‘guardian’ organisations (e.g Scouts). If contact with a Transition Buxton member is initiated by a child then consent from parents/guardians should be sought prior to continued communication.
Safeguarding Statement
Transition Buxton CIC
- Acknowledges that there is legislation to appropriately protect our members and the public;
- Realises that there are potential risks associated with engaging with the public and we will actively support our members in anticipating and managing these risks for the benefit of everyone. We will seek advice on Safeguarding for specific activities where children and/or vulnerable adults are involved;
- Aims to create an environment where members can raise potential Safeguarding issues in the knowledge that they will be listened to, supported and issues will seek to be addressed in a respectful and appropriate manner;
- Recognises our limitations in dealing with any Safeguarding concerns and will therefore contact other professional bodies for guidance where necessary;
- If the safeguarding risks for a particular activity cannot be managed appropriately then sometimes activities may need to be modified, delayed or cancelled. Sometimes national public health issues may necessitate our response as an organisation.
Safeguarding Roles
It is the responsibility of all Transition Buxton members to:
- Act in the interests of a child or vulnerable adult if they have concerns about their safety or wellbeing;
- Familiarise themselves with our Safeguarding Policy and be aware of what actions they may need to take if they become aware of Safeguarding issues;
- Comply with Government guidance, legislation and best practice with regard to the safeguarding of our members and other children, young people and adults who engage with us in activities;
- Communicate to TB Directors any planned activity with children or vulnerable adults;
- Inform a TB Director of any support they may require in relation to Safeguarding;
- To adhere to the Safeguarding guidance of other organisations that we engage with.
It is the responsibility of Transition Buxton Directors to:
- Ensure this Safeguarding Policy is easily accessed by new and existing members;
- Review the policy annually in terms of its relevance and sufficiency, making members aware of any changes;
- Maintain a record of safeguarding matters to inform the management of future activities, guidance to members and changes to policy;
- Ensure that any allegations are responded to promptly and that relevant Safeguarding authorities are contacted with due regard for confidentiality.
Safeguarding Contacts
- Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership www.ddscp.org.uk
- Derbyshire County Council Safeguarding Adults Board www.derbyshiresab.org.uk
- DCC telephone for concerns about Children or Adults 01629 533190
- NSPCC Helpline if concerned about a child 0808 800 5000
- Childline to give to children to use themselves 08001111
- Transition Buxton Directors can be reached by email contact@transitionbuxton.co.uk