

Energy is fundamental to our modern way of life. It enables us to keep us warm (or cool), see at night, grow and cook our food, build and maintain our towns, sities and infrastructure, travel around, import goods from all over the world, keep in contact with almost everyone and entertain ourselves.

But energy – specifically the use of fossil fuels – is the main driver of climate change. The levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have increased hugely since the start fo the industrial revolution and we are already committed to a world on average at least 2C warmer. Add to that the problems due to oil dependency and resource depletion, and we could be in for a very uncertain future.


As individuals, and as a community, we can do a huge amount. We can reduce our own energy use adn encourage others to do the same, but we can also take steps to generate more energy through renewable means. As Transition Buxton we:

  • have raised awareness generally about the issue by holding talks and showing films
  • have held energy saving workshops
  • organised visits to Eco-homes and sustainable businesses
  • ordered thermal lining material in bulk and ran a workshop making up curtain liners to order
  • carried out a detailed study of energy use in the local area (part of the Economic Resilience Study)
  • are in the process of  comissioning a feasability study into the installation of a floating solar array in a disused quarry
  • are setting up a team of Home Energy Surveyors who can offer advice on how to adapt your home and save energy.


How about …

  • group schemes for buying and installing solar panels, and joint planning applications?

If you have an idea on how to help Buxton reduce its energy use, please get in touch.